Metropolitan Alpha Fund LP employs a long/short strategy across many different assets and sectors with the goal of growing the fund’s capital. Our investment decisions are based in observing and identifying current market algorithmic trends and exploiting them based on game theory and market inefficiencies. The fund uses heavy technical analysis to identify short term opportunities and a mix of technical and fundamental analysis to identify longer term investments. The fund’s main driver of growth is based in concentrated short and mid-term opportunities.

Our Team

Steven Ferrao
Steven Ferrao is the Co-Founding Partner of Metropolitan Capital Partners, LLC and the Co-Founding Manager of the Metropolitan Alpha Fund. Mr. Ferrao is a Certified Public Accountant and has worked for a public accounting firm since 2011. He has over 10 years of investment research experience, during which he has evaluated investment opportunities across a wide range of industries and geographic markets.
Mr. Ferrao holds a B.A. in Finance and a B.A. in Accounting from Montclair State University.

Joseph Manganiello
Joseph Manganiello is the Co-Founding Partner of Metropolitan Capital Partners, LLC and the co-founding manager of the Metropolitan Alpha Fund. Mr. Manganiello has over 10 years of experience researching and analyzing investment opportunities across a wide range of industries and markets.
Prior to co-founding Metropolitan Capital Partners, Mr. Manganiello worked for SL Green Realty Corp. and then went on to become a professional poker player. It was during his years as a professional poker player where he learned the concept of game theory and has since applied that knowledge to his investment thesis.